Corporate expense management with Artificial Intelligence 

VOLL Wallet: evolve expense management with integrated payments in one app — corporate card, instant payment system, and reimbursements.

Gestão de despesas corporativas: simplifique sua gestão de gastos corporativos com a solução mais eficiente do mercado

Complete control of corporate expenses in one platform 

Everything you need to manage corporate expenses proactively and never exceed your budget again.

Cartão corporativo
Corporate card

Manage bills and create unlimited virtual corporate credit cards. Real-time integrated usage aligned with your internal spending policy.

Adiantamento e reembolso corporativo
Advances and reimbursements

Automatic reimbursements. Eliminate thousands of manual routines of reconciliation, auditing, and payments every month.

Gestão de despesas corporativas com carteiras digitais dinâmica e inteligente
Multiple payment methods

Complete control of all payments: corporate cards, reimbursements, or instant payment system — with intelligent management in digital wallets.

Política de despesas corporativas: com a VOLL Wallet, a política da sua empresa é onipresente.

VOLL Wallet: the most efficient corporate expense management system

Manage your corporate expenses with maximum efficiency, enhanced control, and robust governance. With VOLL, ensure your expense policy is always followed.

This happens because our exclusive artificial intelligence will automatically apply your custom controls before and after every payment.

carteira-digital (2)Customizable policies based on role, level, department, or even by each employee.

escudo (1)Block or require approval for corporate expenses by category or specific value limits.

smartphone (1)Make corporate expense rules clear and accessible in every payment.

Effective and Transparent Expense Management

VOLL Wallet is the only solution offering full control and management of payment methods, reimbursements, advances, and corporate cards, all integrated into a real-time expense reporting system

Wallet - inglês

Automate expense management with real-time dashboards

Stop wasting time on reconciling credit card statements and manually reviewing corporate expense reports, risking oversight of expenses that need detailed analysis.

Let VOLL Wallet’s exclusive AI handle it all for you.

planejamentoCustom approval workflows

analise-de-dadosClear visibility for employees on policy violations

recibo (1)OCR+ technology for real-time receipt auditing

Gestão de gastos corporativos: automatize a gestão de despesas com dashboards atualizados em tempo real
Cartões corporativos, reembolsos, adiantamentos, prestações de contas e PIX corporativo: aumente a responsabilidade e compliance

Maximize compliance and governance in corporate expenses 

Set precise budgets for each wallet and allocate funds to specific employees, teams, or groups.

Choose which payment methods are available for each expense type.

Corporate card, instant payment system, or reimbursement: You decide how each employee pays for every expense, ensuring a unified balance—without risking your budget.

Track your team's spending in real-time, down to the last penny. 

Track all corporate expenses, limits, and policies in real time 

VOLL Wallet flags unusual activities and out-of-policy payments automatically, eliminating the need to review every transaction.

You’ll keep all corporate spending within policy and never exceed your established budget.

OCR e inteligência artificial para detecção de fraudes na prestação de contas: acompanhe o uso em tempo real
Reembolsos corporativos com validação automática da política de despesas corporativas da empresa

Automatic reimbursements: smarter and more efficient 

Integrate corporate reimbursements seamlessly into your budget management. With VOLL, you set the rules for reimbursement requests and approval workflows.

When expenses comply with policy, VOLL handles reimbursements and invoices your company monthly in a single payment.

You can also configure a financial audit profile to processes each traceable reimbursement in under a minute after approval. 

Corporate credit card: automatic reconciliation, always within policy

Empower your team to pay for any policy-compliant expense using the VOLL corporate card — physical or virtual.

Save the virtual corporate card in Google Wallet or Apple Pay for contactless payments via phone or smartwatch.

Cartões corporativos ilimitados e integrados com a política
Gestão de despesas corporativas com pagamentos e conciliação em tempo real sem necessidade de guardar a notinha

Corporate instant payment system (Pix): pre-reconciled payments without lost receipts 

Enjoy Brazil’s most popular payment method, with all the control and governance your company needs.

Pay expenses instantly in seconds, with real-time reporting and full traceability.

Say goodbye to holding onto travel receipts for later reimbursement. VOLL Wallet handles everything simultaneously, ensuring 100% security for you and your company.

Eliminate month-end closing routines

Streamline your company’s expense management by unifying balances and wallets, enabling real-time reporting

VOLL Wallet provides comprehensive instant reports while automating reconciliation, verification, and payments.

Leverage VOLL’s AI to gain deeper data insights and make smarter, more informed decisions. 

Expense management muito mais inteligente: unifique saldos, carteiras e simplifique a sua gestão com prestação de contas em tempo real

Eliminate thousands of manual advance and reimbursement processes

Automate your corporate reimbursement routines with customizable approval workflows, AI-powered online auditing, unified budget, and limit management.


38 minutes 

Time to process a single corporate expense report 


63 hours

Time consumed by 100 expense reports


R$ 590

Cost to process one report, including error or fraud corrections 


R$ 59,000

Total cost of 100 expense reports for your company

Simplifique a gestão de despesas corporativas com a solução mais eficiente da América Latina
Corporate expense management with the market's most efficient solution

Discover how our expense management system can enhance your financial team’s strategic impact and prepare your company for the future.


Ready to bring these benefits to your company?


Contact our team now:

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VOLL: agência de viagens corporativas

The corporate travel agency for the new economy

São Paulo
Alameda Santos, 1826 - 4th Floor - Jardim Paulista

Belo Horizonte
Rua da Bahia, 1032 - 3rd Floor - Centro

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